Tobacco and Nicotine Treatment Program

Spectrum Health Lifestyle Medicine is pleased to offer tobacco and nicotine treatment services at no cost to patients and the community. Many people have successfully quit using these evidence-based strategies. You, too, can enjoy the many rewards and benefits of a tobacco-free future. We’re here to support you each step of the way. So, whether you’re ready to quit tobacco and nicotine or just want to find out more, we have a program for you!

Let's Talk Tobacco
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Let's Talk Tobacco provides a safe place to explore your relationship with tobacco or nicotine. You’ll receive all the latest information about tobacco, cessation resources and medications, with no pressure to quit. Includes four weekly group sessions led by a certified Tobacco Treatment Specialists (TTS). All sessions are virtual.

Let’s Quit Tobacco
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Let’s Quit Tobacco is for those who are motivated and ready to quit smoking, vaping, or chewing tobacco. This program offers the best approach to quitting, including expert guidance, approved medications, and social support. During 1 individual and 5 group sessions, you’ll create and follow your own personalized quit plan. All sessions are virtual.

Let's Stay Quit Meet-Up
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Let's Stay Quit Meet-up provides continued support once you’ve completed Let’s Talk and Let’s Quit. Connect and receive ongoing affirmation and encouragement from others on the same journey. You’ll learn tips for managing cravings, stress management, and avoiding relapse from a Certified Tobacco Treatment Specialist (TTS) and others in your group. Virtual sessions meet twice monthly.


Preregistration for our program is required. Register online for tobacco and nicotine treatment services or contact lifestyle medicine to sign up today!

Lifestyle medicine

For additional information:

Libby Stern, LMSW, NCTTP, CHWC
Clinical Program Specialist
Spectrum Health Lifestyle Medicine
Tobacco and Nicotine Treatment Program

Register for the tobacco and nicotine treatment program