What happens after your breast cancer diagnosis

Provider talking to woman in scarf

We can assemble a multispecialty team, just for you.

Your care team will be made up of select specialist including a nurse navigator, social worker, genetic counselor, medical oncologist, surgeon, and radiation oncologist. If you need other kinds of doctors too, we will make sure that they are a part of your care.

It is not required for you to work with one of our multispecialty teams as we understand you may prefer to work with your primary care physician.

You and your team will collaborate on a treatment approach

During your first multispecialty team visit, you can expect to:

  • Gain an understanding of how medical, surgical and radiation oncologists will work together to treat your cancer
  • Meet your dedicated Nurse Navigator, who will be your main point of contact and provide support throughout your treatment journey.
  • Learn more about our supportive care services [link: Ways we support care] that are available to you and your family such as nutrition counseling, art and music therapy, prehab and rehab, massage therapy, acupuncture, counseling, support groups and more.
Provider talking to woman.

Outlining a treatment plan for you

Once you and your care team decide on a treatment plan, we will give you a written copy of that plan. We will make sure it is clear and simple so that you can understand each step of your journey.

We will also provide you with a checklist and a complete overview of what we expect the next six months to a year of your journey to look like so that you know what to expect and how to plan ahead.

We’ll move quickly to get you the care you need.

Our program is designed to help you get started on treatment as efficiently and quickly as possible with a timeline that is best for you and your family. By having so many different doctors in our system, we prepared to give you the best care right away.

Woman lying down with hands on stomach

What should I do if I have questions?

Whether you are prepared with questions now or need help to understand certain things, see our guide.

Our care goes beyond treatment, including financial support

We understand that things outside of treatment, like payments and transportation arrangements, may be a burden on some of you.

Provider with clipboard talking to woman

That’s why we have Financial Counselors, Financial Navigators, and Lodging & Transportation Navigators. Our Financial Counselors can help you understand the cost of care, your insurance coverage and claims, and how you can make the most of the payment options available to you. Lodging & Transportation Navigators will make sure you have assistance getting to and from your appointments and to help you navigate finances for any transportation needed.

Your breast cancer care program

We are here for you no matter where you are in your breast cancer journey. 

Whether you have just received your diagnosis, are in the middle of treatment, or have completed your course of treatment, there are many ways we can still support you and help you feel and do better. Please call us to make an appointment today.

Call us today for second opinions and referrals

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